“Thank you for participating in effort to make our environment a better place to live” - Kardinal X Vaporasia Help us, Help you. In light of “Kwitsmoking” campaign, we would like to extend our act of goodwill in reducing waste of disposable pods device to be recycled - Thus creating...
Vaporasia E-Gift Card a Smarter Choice
Daniel Lee
Contactless, Hassle Free, Fast. In light of COVID-19 ongoing spread, many businesses and customer likewise are looking into safer alternatives in payment methods. Now you can feel safer when queuing up between crowds or risk physical contacts with others during your purchase. Vaporasia E-Gift Card With purchase of Vaporasia E-Gift Card. Simply,...
Everything You Need To Know About Disposable Pods
Lee Hock Khuan
Introduction Today’s article will discuss the increased usage of Disposable Pods and the advantages for new users before purchasing. Guides will be provided to give a better understanding about Disposable pods. Disposable POD Trending The most trending E-Cigarettes POD spreading amongst Malaysians vapers right now. Considerably the easiest form...
Kristal, your new kind of Kohld
Lee Hock Khuan
Kardinal Who? Buy Now The founding of this Malaysian local premium e-liquid begins somewhere in mid of 2017. If this is your first time taking a taste from their product, you will only hear users saying “it's a little pricey” compared to others but you will never hear anyone say...